A letter to the mom of a tween girl in the greater Boston area and the South Shore MA

Dear Mom of a “Tween” girl,

Doesnt it seem just like yesterday when your little girl would sit on your lap and tell you just how much she loves you?

When you were all that mattered to her was your opinion and her eyes would sparkle with love and adoration with every word that came out of your mouth. Yet saying no to her would break her heart and result in a meltdown. I remember when my daughter told me that i had broken her heart and she wouldnt stop crying i really dont remember why i broke her heart she was only 4 going on 5 years old but as a mother of a little girl with the biggest heart and personality now that she’s 6 going on 7 years am starting to dread the years coming as i see glimpses of the future as she’s slowly outgrowing my lap I want to hold onto the days when she askes me to join her tea parties, play with dolls and be their pretend play partner?

As your daughter is getting older, maybe even valuing her friends more and starting to deal with hormonal changes in her body as she slowly blossoms to a woman I bet you’ve noticed a lot of changes in your relationship or you can atleast feel them coming.

This is such a powerful and vulnerable time for your daughter. I can only imagine what it's like for you to watch her as she navigates this pivotal period in her childhood as a family photographer and mom I have seen the changes each year as I create portraits for my clients with each passing year i watch the little girls blossom into young remarkable young ladies.

Do you remember when you were that age… The growing up, and the trying to answer the question “Who am I?” The pressure to fit in amongst your peers is a daily threat to rob you of you sense of self…

Do you remember the murky waters of that time in life? I remember that and have seem some glimpses of what that does am dreading the day that we’ll get there as i have watched my friends and family experience it first hand. I have also listened as my clients say enjoy the time with your daughter I long for those days when my daughter didnt have a care in the world and believed all that i said to her she didnt have to worry what her friends would say or not say, she didnt care if she wore 5 different skirts and mismatched her clothing when i told her she’s beautiful thats all that mattered and she believed it.

Do you remember that time? You do, don’t you?

The searching… hoping you had it right… the wistful looks in the mirror, wondering if you fit in, if you were beautiful, if you were enough. Wondering if your friends find you, pretty, smart or popular if your one of the VSCO girls?

Stop for a minute, and imagine the impact of being able to help your daughter see TODAY that who she is is indeed enough, that she’s as beautiful as you see her both inside and outside, that she matters and that someday she will go on to do big things. That how they look, the shape and curls of their hair is part of their heritage and that it adds to their natural beauty?

The I AM… Portrait Project was created to empower young girls in a season of life where they often feel vulnerable, insecure, and unseen.

Together with your daughter, you will identify a word that describes the best of who she is, and I will capture this trait in a series of honest, real, fine art portraits of her, highlighting her true beauty and giving her a tangible and visual reminder of the very best she has to offer: 

Herself Just as she is. Just her… As she already is. She could dress up or dress down depending on who she is on the inside and what she enjoys. During your design and concept appointment we can discuss this in greater detail and I can help you both navigate classic and timeless clothing options should you chose to pick something different or something from Seraphine Photography’s Studio’s Closet.

Sessions could be done at our Boston Photography studio located in Randolph MA or on location in and around the Greater Boston area and through the South Shore. As a Boston and South Shore Family Photographer I am familiar with a lot of cool locations that would be perfect for your photo shoot.

Click here and fill out To BOOK a Photo Session for your tween or contact me by phone at 508-579-3669 for question regarding I am Project. You could also reach me by filling out this contact form to with any questions.

After our initial phone call we shall setup a time to plan your photoshoot the after the photoshoot we’ll sit down and review your favorite images where i will guide you through the process of selecting your favorite images and how you would like to enjoy the portraits whether in an album, storybook or wall portraits. As a full service portrait photographer I will guide through each step of the process. that follows.

Tween Portrait sessions by Seraphine Photography are a great way to celebrate Birthdays within the age range of 8-12 years or beyond , Celebrating your Childs milestones or getting a fun photoshoot to remind them they you love them or just because you want to have fun with them.


Stormy Weekend Beach Family Session and Senior Session at Gray’s Beach